italiano English

The name of the band

Aurea Sectio is a Latin expression which indicates the golden ratio, one of the most famous mathematical concepts in history.
Two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities and equals, approximated, 1,618033. It is an irrational number and therefore it has an infinite number of digits after the comma.

The golden ratio has fascinated Western intellectuals of diverse interests for at least 2.400 years, even those who were not mathematicians. It is interesting to note that the structure or the behavior of many creatures in nature (plants, animals, fungi) is tied to the golden ratio. For example, the cephalopod of the genus Nautilus (symbol of the band) has proportions which exibit the golden ratio. In the course of the centuries, many academics have noted that an object or a creature which show a relationship to the golden ratio is pleasant for the human brain.

For all these reasons we can consider the golden ratio as a central theme which ties art and nature in many of their multiple expressions. Aurea Sectio try to find a similar armony bringing together musicians and artist with deeply different backgrounds.

The pronunciation of the name can follow both the Latin phonetic rules ['aurɛa 'sɛktsiɔ] and the English ones ['aurɛa 'sɛkʃiɔ].